Why choose AUD-IT?


Luis Krug Founder

Luis Krug, founder of Aud-IT, holds a Master of Science in Information Systems from DePaul University in Chicago and has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in the IT sector. With a successful track record of building 10 successful companies, Luis brings a wealth of experience and expertise to Aud-IT. His leadership and vision have helped Aud-IT become a trusted provider of specialized technology audit services, delivering accurate results and expert guidance to support business success. Trust Luis Krug and the Aud-IT team to provide the comprehensive audit services you need to make informed investment and buying decisions

At Aud-IT, our multidisciplinary team of auditors brings together a wide range of expertise in software development, hosting and scalability, marketing and SEO, and operations management. With extensive knowledge and experience in various technologies, our team is well-equipped to tackle any audit project.

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